From Scroll-stoppers to Sales: Maximizing ROI with Vertical Video

Stop scrolling! That's the goal of every marketer, isn't it? In a sea of endless content vying for attention, how do you make your brand stand out? The answer: vertical video marketing. With smartphones becoming the primary device for consuming content, vertical videos – those shot in portrait mode – are taking center stage and reshaping the way brands engage with their audiences on social media.

But why vertical? Well, think about how you hold your phone – vertically, right? By optimizing your videos for the way people naturally hold and scroll through their feeds, you're making it easier for them to stop, watch, and engage with your content. Plus, with platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat embracing vertical video formats, there's no shortage of opportunities to reach your audience where they already are.

But it's not just about grabbing attention; it's about driving action. According to a study by Buffer, vertical videos have a 90% higher completion rate compared to horizontal videos on mobile devices. That means more eyeballs on your content and more opportunities to convert viewers into customers. Plus, with features like swipe-up links and interactive stickers, platforms like Instagram Stories and Snapchat Discover offer unique opportunities to drive traffic, leads, and sales directly from your vertical videos.

So, how can businesses make the most of vertical video marketing? Start by thinking vertically – literally. Whether you're repurposing existing content for a vertical format or creating new content specifically designed for mobile viewing, be sure to optimize your videos for maximum impact. That means keeping text and graphics front and center, using bold colors and eye-catching visuals, and keeping your message short, sweet, and to the point.

In a world where attention spans are shorter than ever, vertical video marketing is your secret weapon for stopping the scroll and driving real results. So stand tall, think vertical, and get ready to take your brand to new heights!


"Video Pros have been instrumental in relaunching my brand online with lifestyle and product photo & video. Our website and social media have been elevated and really match who we are!"

Emily Rhoden


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